Please note that if you don't see a way to cancel your subscription, that likely means that you have already successfully canceled.
Steps to cancel
On your iPhone:
- Tap here to view your Subscriptions page
- Tap Hinge
- Tap Cancel Subscription
- To learn more, please visit Apple's support page.
On your Android phone:
- Tap here to view your Subscriptions page
- Tap Hinge
- Tap Cancel subscription
- Follow the instructions on the screen
- To learn more, please visit Google Play's support page.
Subscriptions automatically renew unless you cancel them.
If you do not want your subscription to renew, be sure to cancel at least 24 hours before the renewal date. This is an Apple and Google policy, and we are unable to change it.
If you'd like to request a refund, see How can I request a refund?
Have more questions? Submit a request
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